“The DISCONNECTION will take you on an extraordinary journey of discovery, combining earth’s beauty and one of our greatest needs as human beings.
This short film highlights the disconnect between our fellow earthlings, the animal and the shocking reality of our choices today. It calls into awareness the way we view and treat animals as a defining characteristic of our own species.
Amongst the beauty and the pain, the film inspires hope, a way to come into reconnection with the earth and its inhabitants, which is accessible to all of us.
All that is needed is what we already have within, compassion.”
Directed by Frank Metivier
The Disconnection
A poignant call for change in this soul-stirring documentary about our relationship with the animal world.
“Frank Metivier’s impactful short documentary is a poignant call for animal compassion, delicately narrated by Thonaly Metivier, as it navigates the beauty of our natural landscapes juxtaposed against the dark underbelly of human civilization’s treatment of animals. Opening with captivating footage from North America, the film artfully establishes our connection with the planet and its diverse inhabitants.
However, the narrative takes a sinister turn as it unveils the harsh realities of our interactions with animals, ranging from zoos and bull racing to the brutalities of the food system. Through evocative cinematography, Metivier compellingly captures the stark contrast between the serene beauty of nature and the harshness of human actions, urging viewers to reflect on their choices and adopt a more compassionate lifestyle.
Thonaly Metivier’s narration adds a layer of emotional resonance, emphasizing the urgency of awareness and change. The film serves as a powerful catalyst for viewers to reconsider their relationship with animals, advocating for kindness, a plant-based diet, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings. Frank Metivier deserves commendation for crafting a thought-provoking documentary that strikes a chord, leaving a lasting impact on its audience”. by ShortFilmsMatter
Follow Frank on his travels via his Instagram feed
Testimonials for our latest film -The Disconnection
What part of the film impacted you most?
“Frank beautifully illustrated the point of disconnection. This topic is not thought of almost never. We often see the facts, but never speak of the root cause.” – Derek Levesque
“Frank’s sincerity and compassion.” – Steve Allat
“Showcasing how animals that we considerer not pets are just as valuable & capable and deserving love. Puts all species at the same level.” – Raquel Gallego
“Frank did a great job capturing the ethical and emotional side.” – Joe Roback
“That there are people like Frank making incredible efforts to help.” – Viewer at the Vancouver film
“As a vegan already this film really reinforced my values and position in why I am vegan in the first place” – Jordan Weisner
“That there are people like Frank making incredible efforts to help.” – Viewer at the Vancouver film
“I think showing a couple of kind humans alongside the animal suffering was unique compared to other films I have seen and it was inspiring.” – Sandra Dyer
“The close-ups of the animal’s eyes and their expressions” – Viewer at the Vancouver film screening
“Frank’s sincerity and compassion.” – Steve Allat
“ Compassion of the filmmaker, Frank.” – Nick Iskovych
“Beautiful cinematography, touching images of humans showing love to animals.” – Viewer at the Vancouver screening.”
About Frank

Vegan Globetrotter Frank Metivier
Having been a world traveller for most of his life, Francis “Frank” Metivier, known as “The Vigorous Vegan Vagabond,” is now on a mission to promote a compassionate vegan lifestyle while still travelling the globe.
He stopped eating meat about 12 years ago, going from pescetarian, to vegetarian, to finally adopting a vegan lifestyle in the Spring of 2018. After looking more seriously into what happens to animals used for food and also other purposes, going vegan seemed to be the obvious thing to do, but even then it wasn’t enough for Frank. He felt he had to do something proactive for the animals after what he’d learned.
He realized that in a way he always was vegan at heart, meaning he had always felt it was wrong to exploit animals only for human pleasure or convenience, but he believes the conditioning and disconnection we’re all subjected to makes us blind to the reality of animal exploitation. Francis has been living in his van, a minimalist lifestyle, for over 5 years now and aim to raise awareness wherever he goes.

Impactful videos possess a remarkable power to promote compassion and significantly contribute to the reduction of animal cruelty and killing. One individual who has played a significant role in exposing animal cruelty through his videography is Frank Metivier. Through his compelling storytelling and documentary-style videos, Metivier sheds light on the harsh realities of animal agriculture and the myriad of other ways in which animals are expoited.
By capturing the distressing conditions in which animals are kept and the brutal methods employed in their slaughter, Metivier’s work aims to awaken empathy within viewers and prompt them to reevaluate their choices. His videos serve as a powerful tool to educate and inform, encouraging individuals to make conscious decisions aligned with their values.
Through his unwavering dedication, Metivier has inspired countless people to embrace a vegan lifestyle, reducing the demand for animal products and ultimately contributing to the protection and well-being of animals. His work stands as a testament to the transformative power of videography in creating awareness and driving positive change.
Frank Metivier’s Videos – a “powerful tool to educate and reform”
My Story
Born in Quebec, Canada, I started travelling the world in search of adventure at a very young age and I have never stopped. Chasing waves to ride and rockfaces to climb in remote and distant places, my home became wherever I found myself.
While spending decades exploring different parts of the world, the one common thing that I kept witnessing was the always omnipresent exploitation and use of animals by humans … Continue reading